ExplorAsia 2018
The study trip of 2018 went to South Korea and Japan. In this blog, you can find posts about the activities and travels of that trip. All posts were written by participants of the trip. They wrote pieces about preparations and all the activities abroad.
You can find all the blogposts on this page

Blog Posts
Endings & New Beginnings
Apologies for the delay, the jet lag kicked in quite heavily upon arrival in the Netherlands. The last day of the study trip has arrived already, these three weeks came and went so fast... While the most important part of this day would consist of goodbyes and...
Last day!
Dear Readers, If you have made it this far into the blog, well done! You made it! We made it! Today has been our final full day in Japan. As last night's kareoke ended around 05.00 AM, most of us had a slightly slow start this morning. Some set out on their hunt for...
Last Planned Day
Almost at the end of the trip, today was the last planned day... Our destination was the MORI Building Digital Art Museum by teamLab Borderless! We think that this was the most creative museum we have been so far. TeamLab Borderless is a group of artworks that form...
Our first encounter with Tokyo
Yesterday we finally arrived at our final destination, Tokyo. Today was our first encounter with this big city. Since it was a sunday, no company visits were planned. So we had a cultural day. The morning started with a visit to the Sumida Hokusai museum. Here the...
Finally, some rain!
After a couple of busy and long days, the group finally had the chance to sleep in. At 9, everyone rolled out of bed to pack their bags and eat breakfast, before moving on to Kyoto's main station. This was not a very easy task, as busses and lots of luggage often...
Kyoto by bike: hot or not
Dear readers,Today we showed our Dutch cycling skills to the citizens of Kyoto, and navigated the sweltering streets by bike. Luckily we had a lovely Italian tour guide who showed us around the cities hotspots. On our way we passed Buddhist temples and shrines,...
Becoming successful businessmen by cuddling bambis
Yesterday we went to Hiroshima for an impressive trip. Today was the time for another company visit to Optex as well as a nice cultural visit to the temples of Nara. After a couple of early mornings, it would have been great to take some time for sleep. Unfortunately,...
A trip to Hiroshima: Never Again
Today we went to see the city of Hiroshima. On the list were the peace memorial building and of course the museum.
Monozukuri tour #2
Hello again there dear readers! Today we continued the Monozukuri tour by starting of with a visit to the Hilltop, a company specialized in prototyping aluminum products for a variety of customers. This varies from creating prototypes for airplanes, to custom-made...
Monozukuri tour
Good morning, afternoon or evening to you! Today, we woke up, well rested in our new kyoto-based beds, ready to face the day.We all made our way downstairs to enjoy a briefing and a german breakfast: a hotdog bun with a sausage. After this, we split into two groups:...
Morning at temple, travel to Kyoto, evening in Kyoto
Dear readers, Today we woke up at 6:00. This seems early, which it is. However it was doable given that we had to sleep at 22:00 that night. This is the rhythm of the monks that live in this temple and we adjusted to it. The serenity of the place brought us some inner...
Going up
Today we were aloud to sleep in a little, since we had to wake up at eight o’clock for a change. After a nice breakfast in the Hostel, everyone packed there bags, since there was another day of travelling waiting for us! But first we went to the Umeda Sky Building....
Motors, robots, and a lot of fun
The first - and only - full day in Osaka started really early, at 6am in the morning. The day commissioners woke everyone up, and slowly but surely each participant made their way to the community room where some delicious breakfast was served. There were different...
Japan, here we come!
Today's blog is going to be a little shorter. This morning we left with a bit of sadness in our hearts (read this while doing a 'money' gesture with your hands; that means a heart in Korea). Why, you ask? Well, our beautiful time in South Korea had come to an end....
Last but definitely not the least.
Another early start today with a 6:45 wake up was a little rough, but it meant we could enjoy a little more of this wonderful country. Alma and Angelika took the lead by guiding us towards the prestigious Seoul National University. ...
An exciting visit to Netmarble game company
Today, July 17th, the day started off with some free time until 12 o' clock. I myself went to a spa in Seoul called Dragon Hill, some others went souvenir shopping and some just went exploring the city. At 12 o' clock we gathered again at the hostel to leave for...
Daytrip to Cheonan: Maxon
This morning we had to wake up, like, really early. However, we had a good reason to do so! At 6.30 we rose with suits 'n' noodles - some fresh and early spicyness. About one hour later we were strolling to the subway station to kick off our trip to Cheonan: we were...
Discovering Seoul
Today we had the day off, so everyone had the opportunity to discover Seoul on their own. Since there are many things to see and do in Seoul, people split up in groups to discover the places they found interesting. Beautiful views of the city skyline were enjoyed at...
Cultural Adventures
A new day, a new adventure. Today we planned a cultural day to explore the multiple temples that were in the area of our hostel. Three temples have been visited and an old village. The first temple on our list was the Jongmyo temple. This temple had an very...
Seoul, here we are
After the long travel of yesterday, today the first actual day of the study trip had started. The planning for today was simple, first some free time and after that a tour around the Digital Media City, or DMC in short. As with every morning, some people get up a bit...
The Journey Begins
Good evening everyone! Yesterday was the first day of the Study Trip to South Korea & Japan. Here is how it went; We started of with 9 participants at the Enschede Central Station, we had an exciting train ride to Schiphol Airport to meet everyone else. After...
Finished study trip case
There are only seven weeks to go and then we will fly to South-Korea. At the moment the students are still working for their committee, the machine learning course and their case. This all needs to be done next to the regular study load. Each student needs to do a...
Study trip courses have started
Since a couple of weeks, the study trip courses have begun. These two, educational courses are mandatory for each participant of the study trip. In a previous blog post, I already gave some information about one of them, the machine learning course. The biggest part...
Information update
On January 15th an information meeting has been held for everyone of the study trip. Every committee had some time to talk and inform the others about what they have been doing. The Logistics committee talked about the flights we will take and our travel schedule from...
A theme course on machine learning
Besides the committee that every member is part of, and the case that everyone has to do for a company, there will also be a theme course. Setting this up is being realized by the Education committee. At this point we are ready to tell you more about its theme and...
The logistics committee has the big responsibility of planning the study trip. They will make a schedule which states when we are where, and how we are going to get there on time. Of course, costs should be taken into account as well! This is a big task, since we will...
Corporate Contact
Today we will take a closer look at the Corporate Contact committee. This committee is about getting and maintaining contact with companies in the Netherlands and in the countries of destination. It should convince the companies that it is beneficial for them if they...
Case Coordination
The second committee we will take a closer look at is Case Coordination. This committee is responsible for the cases that each participant has to do. They gather them from companies and the univerisity, then assign one to each student and then keep coordinating them....
Corporate Identity
The first committee we will take a closer look at is the Corporate Identity committee. This is also the one that I am part of. This committee does all the design work that needs to be done for the study trip. The first thing that we did was defining the style. We...
Hello there!
Hello dear reader! Our blog has not been updated for a while now, but from today on, that will not be the case anymore. My name is Gijs and it is my task to manage the design and content of our website and its blog. You may ask yourself why it took several months to assign to someone the task of managing the website…Well, let me explain:
Welcome to the website of the Foundation International Creative Explorations. This Foundation organises studytrips for Creative Technology. We are currently editing this website.