The logistics committee has the big responsibility of planning the study trip. They will make a schedule which states when we are where, and how we are going to get there on time. Of course, costs should be taken into account as well! This is a big task, since we will be doing many different things and visit many different places in a short amount of time. To plan this ahead will be complex. Sometimes, one event cannot be planned before another event is confirmed. To manage all this, Logistics is making a global planning of the months/year to come. They also already have looked into flights and accomodation. The earlier you buy those, the cheaper it will be.
Day 20 – 28/07/2022: Saying goodbye!
After two long years of hard work, the study trip has suddenly come to an end. It feels like we have been on this trip for ages, yet time passed so quickly. Remembering how early our alarm went off to be on time for the bus to go to Schiphol feels like a year ago, or...