
Ilse Westra – Chair
Heyhey! I’m Ilse, the chair of Foundation ICE for the 2022 trip. I’m currently a fourth-year CreaTe student. My involvement with the board of Foundation ICE started in my first year at the university, but unfortunately, there was no one else who wanted to become board that year, so sad :(. That’s why I’m extra excited that we get the opportunity to organise this study trip now! I’m also the chair of InSPE and am responsible for the funding for their next production as well. The reason that I wanted to join the board of Foundation ICE was mainly that I wasn’t part of a committee back then, and organising a big event like this for all the participants, as well as getting the opportunity to travel, motivated me to be part of this!

Imke Verschuren – Secretary
Hi there! I’m Imke, the third secretary of Foundation ICE and started as a second-year Creative Technology student (currently I am doing a board year at Study Association Proto). I joined the board of Foundation ICE because ever since I heard of the concept of a study trip, I wanted to participate in it and now I even got the chance to become one of the main organisers for it. I’m really excited to organise this awesome trip with all the participants and hope that everything will run smoothly.

Philippe Tuinman – Treasurer
Hiya, I’m Philippe and I’m the treasurer of this trip’s organisation. While I started this board when I was in my final year of Creative Technology, I’m now following a master’s programme to become a secondary school teacher in Informatics and Design & Research. Previously I’ve been very active at our study association, Proto. However, I’ve never had the opportunity or desire to dive deep into the financial side of things when organising something big and that was a skill I still wanted to learn!

Bram van Driel – External
Hello! My name is Bram van Driel and within Foundation ICE I have the role of External Relations. I decided to become part of the board of Foundation ICE to gain experience in running such a big project. Organizing the study trip comes with a lot of responsibilities and I think I will learn a lot during the organization. With my role of external relations I am responsible to gather casework for the participants. More about this can be found on this site.