Hello there!

Jul 10, 2017 | ExplorAsia

Hello dear reader! Our blog has not been updated for a while now, but from today on, that will not be the case anymore. My name is Gijs and it is my task to manage the design and content of our website and its blog. You may ask yourself why it took several months to assign to someone the task of managing the website…Well, let me explain: Back in January, there were only three people busy with organizing the study trip, these three people are the board of the study trip. With presentations, nice pictures and a smile on their face, they made fellow students of them enthusiastic to join them on the trip. They did this so well, that there were too many people that wanted to join. All candidates had to send in a motivational letter, curriculum vitae and other information. By the time all these people sent their information, it was March. By the time the board had chosen the lucky few that could join them, it was April! Now that the study trip group was formed, everyone could help the board with organizing this experience. To keep order and peace, five committees were formed, each with their own specific tasks and responsibilities. Coming weeks I will tell you more about what each committee is doing at the moment. The Corporate Identity committee, the one I am part of, first had to design the image of ExplorAsia. This means colors, fonts and a logo. That took some time, as it is was June then. But now that the basis is there, everyone is assigned to different tasks. As i said, mine is to manage this website! Be sure to come back regularly, because I will not sit still!

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