Today we will take a closer look at the Corporate Contact committee. This committee is about getting and maintaining contact with companies in the Netherlands and in the countries of destination. It should convince the companies that it is beneficial for them if they sponsor us in any way. For example, they could come to CreaTe at the UT and give a presentation about their company and what they do and want to achieve. Another way is that the company logo/name or some text/job offer is put on our website or in our booklet.
Corporate contact also works together with case coordination to arrange cases for students. Of course, this could also be an advantage of working together with us as a company. CreaTers are generally good at problem-solving and have experience with a wide variety of design methodologies, software and hardware.
At the moment, Corporate Contact is working on the company brochure. This booklet is meant for companies. It will include information about who we are, what we are going to do and what we can offer to them. Basically all information a company would need to know about us!