Day 8 – 16/07/2022: Traveling to Oslo

Jul 17, 2022 | Breath of Technology

Today was quite a tough day for everyone: we were going to travel to Oslo! Our first train left from Stockholm Central Station at 06:30 in the morning so everyone had to get up really early. After getting breakfast at the station, we got on the train for the first leg of our journey to Kristinehamn.

Somewhere in the middle of the route the train suddenly stopped due to electrical problems, which led to a total delay of almost an hour and a half.

At Kristinehamn we were supposed to get on coaches to take us to Oslo, but the busses were full…

Fortunately, the railway company booked cabs for us. They took us to Oslo in small groups about an hour after the coaches left. At this point everybody was extremely tired, so a lot of naps were taken in the taxis. There was a silver lining to the loud music, language barrier and erratic driving; we did get the chance to admire the Swedish and Norwegian landscape and tried to spot moose on the side of the road. Another added bonus was that our cab drivers were kind enough to drop us off at our new hostel instead of Oslo central station.

By 4PM everyone had arrived and we checked out our spacious apartment rooms which even have kitchens! We also discovered that the hostel is located in a lovely neighborhood with cute bars, restaurants and parks. Today we went to one of those restaurants instead of cooking for ourselves since no one had the energy left to cook. At the restaurant we enjoyed some lovely Indian food, but no one dared to try the spiciest option, which was probably a safe bet.

Afterwards some people went grocery shopping to get cooking supplies, and then it was time to snuggle up in our new beds and get ready to face our first full day in Oslo tomorrow.

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