The last company day! Today we visited our final 2 companies of the study trip. It all started early in the morning with our pre-briefing at 08:35.

As can be seen on the photo above there were still a couple of sleepyheads during the briefing. But during our 1 hour trip to XSENS everyone had time to wake up and to get excited for the first company of our day.

After the bus trip we finally arrived at XSENS, there we started of with a small general introduction. Which was followed up by a presentation. During this presentation XSENS showed us their clamp on meter for measuring flow rates of fluids and gasses, as well as the water cut in oil. Furthermore, they showed us how their innovative solution helped the market and the sustainability within the field of oil and gas. This quickly became a very interactive presentation with a lot of good questions from our side even greater answers from the side of XSENS. They were able to tell us everything about their product, the sensors they use, why and how they have found the best way to measure. Combining this innovative thinking with their business idea and tests around the world led to an exciting presentation for all of us! After the presentation we also got a look at how they would test their product with their own fluid loop. Overall, we really enjoyed XSENS and their view towards innovating measurements in the field of fluids and gasses.

After our visit to XSENS we travelled back to the city centre of Bergen for our lunch. We had about 35 minutes to grab some lunch in the centre before we were to visit our second company of the day: FOTMOB.

FOTMOB is a company that has created a football analytics app. On this app users will be able to easily view statistics and follow any football match they would like. We were happily welcomed at FOTMOB with something to drink. Afterwards we had a presentation where was explained how the idea behind FOTMOB came up, how the team at FOTMOB works and how they make revenue. This was very interesting and once again sparked multiple questions which led to another very interactive discussing. This discussing quickly led to more interest from even students who might not be as interested in football. That really showed us all how interesting a company can be even though the product might not be interesting for all.
After the presentation we learned about how FOTMOB is organised as a team. Although they have around 20/30 employees they are still growing and work in multiple teams. They have teams for separate platforms on which their app can be used. They have a web-team which focused on the website of FOTMOB, an android-team which focuses on the app on the android platform, an IOS team which focusses on the app on the IOS platform and a management team. All these different teams work together in groups all based in the same office. Which was very well designed around their company and their vision. Concluding, the visit to FOTMOB was very interesting for all of us and we have learned another valuable lesson to take with us in the future.

Consequently, we had a couple hours of free time. The group split up quite quickly after arriving in the city centre of Bergen. Some went back to the hostel to change clothing and chill before dinner whilst others explored the city of Bergen. One group especially visited the old city of Bergen with a couple of very nice old stores.

During this walk a lot of old buildings were looked at as well as how neatly Bergen renovates these buildings with old materials to make sure the buildings remain in their prime state. Because of this the view of the old buildings of Bergen from the harbour is still a sight to be seen.

Finally, we ended the day with a group dinner at Peppes Pizza in the city centre. Everyone had a laugh and talked about all the things they did today as well as on all other days of our lovely trip. The Board of ICE even gave a very touching speech altogether which really summed up their feelings about the trip as well as the feeling that all of the participants have as well. We have enjoyed all our time together with all the interesting companies and fun times we have had. Because of this the ambiance at the dinner was great with lots of laughter and jokes from everyone.

After the dinner everyone went back to the hostel to pack up their stuff and get ready for the next day in Bergen. Where we will first move to a hotel in the city and then spend our last day in Bergen. See you all tomorrow!