Finished study trip case

There are only seven weeks to go and then we will fly to South-Korea. At the moment the students are still working for their committee, the machine learning course and their case. This all needs to be done next to the regular study load. Each student needs to do a...

Study trip courses have started

Since a couple of weeks, the study trip courses have begun. These two, educational courses are mandatory for each participant of the study trip. In a previous blog post, I already gave some information about one of them, the machine learning course. The biggest part...

Information update

On January 15th an information meeting has been held for everyone of the study trip. Every committee had some time to talk and inform the others about what they have been doing. The Logistics committee talked about the flights we will take and our travel schedule from...

A theme course on machine learning

Besides the committee that every member is part of, and the case that everyone has to do for a company, there will also be a theme course. Setting this up is being realized by the Education committee. At this point we are ready to tell you more about its theme and...


The logistics committee has the big responsibility of planning the study trip. They will make a schedule which states when we are where, and how we are going to get there on time. Of course, costs should be taken into account as well! This is a big task, since we will...