Goal of the studytrip:

The goal of this studytrip is to experience the Japanese and South Korean culture and their way of doing business, and to put that into perspective versus our West European culture, to get a broader view of modern day creative technology around the world.


In 2013, the ICE foundation organised a study trip to Silicon Valley, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Upon us came then, at the end of 2016, the task to come up with a destination that is at least as cool or possibly even cooler than Silicon Valley. This search didn’t take long: where do you find a high concentration of interesting tech companies? Where do you find a culture so rich? Asia! Therefore we organise the study trip: ExplorAsia. We will be exploring Asia by visiting around 5 cities and a few dozen interesting tech companies during three weeks in the summer of 2018.


Will your company be one of those?
We are looking for interesting companies in the creative/innovative and/or technological sector. Our students have a very broad background and a big interest. Giving us a tour through your company is an amazing opportunity for both your company and us as students and maybe you will even find a prospective employee!